Finding Max Concurrent Operations With T-SQL (Part 2)

Last Time On 36 Chambers Yesterday, I wrote a large number of words to give us some sample data that we could use today. To give you a quick reminder of the problem we're trying to solve, we can have multiple concurrent work items processing for a customer, but we want to limit that number to…

Finding Max Concurrent Operations With T-SQL (Part 1)

Not too long ago, a co-worker had an issue that he asked me about.  The gist of it is, we can have multiple concurrent work items processing for a customer, but we want to limit that number to 2.  The development team wanted to make sure that their code was working as expected, but they…

What Comes After Go-Live?

This is part eight of a series on launching a data science project. At this point in the data science process, we've launched a product into production.  Now it's time to kick back and hibernate for two months, right?  Yeah, about that... Just because you've got your project in production doesn't mean you're done.  First…

Data Processing: An Example

This is part four of a series on launching a data science project. An Example Of Data Processing Last time around, I spent a lot of time talking about data acquisition, data cleansing, and basic data analysis.  Today, we're going to walk through a little bit of it with the data professional salary survey. First,…

Data Processing: The Other 90%

This is part three of a series on launching a data science project. The Three Steps Of Data Processing Data processing is made up of a few different activities:  data gathering, data cleansing, and data analysis.  Most estimates are that data scientists spend about 80% of their time in data processing (particularly in data cleansing). …