Installing Jupyter on Windows isn’t too difficult.  Here is a product-by-product guide.  Each program is just simple next-next-next clicking so I’m not going to include screenshots or step-by-step installation instructions.

Install R

There are two versions of R available, CRAN R and Microsoft R Open.  You can grab either of them at the provided links.  If you do install Microsoft R Open, you should probably also install the mathematical libraries.

Install R Studio

R Studio isn’t technically required, but it’s extremely useful to have a good IDE installed. Jupyter is fantastic for giving people a repeatable method of running your code, but you want to have something you can do quick tests against.  Grab R Studio.  You can also try R Tools for Visual Studio.

Install Anaconda

The easiest way to install Jupyter is to install Anaconda.  If you don’t have Python installed on your machine already, you can grab and install this full-featured suite.

Install Jupyter

Once you have Anaconda installed, you can install Jupyter by running the following command at your console:

conda install jupyter

Install R Support

The last step is to include R support in Jupyter.  This is pretty simple:

conda install -c r ipython-notebook r-irkernel

Once you’ve done all of these, you have Jupyter installed!  To kick off Jupyter, run the following:

jupyter notebook

If you want to test your Jupyter installation, I have a couple of notebooks available that I’m going to use in my Polyglot .NET Meetup tonight:

  1. Basic R Test
  2. Wake County Restaurant Inspections

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