The Fine Art Of Whine

President Obama doesn't like how ungrateful his press pool is.  Perhaps he figures the White House press pool is bitter and clinging to their pencils and press cards. PS - I know he didn't mean it that way, but the "my folks" comment is just so apt for the press pool.  I'd guess that the…

An Open Letter to TNA

Dear whoever the fuck is in charge of TNA: Although last week's show showed some promise, we have to talk. You're starting to lose the Lady Penguatroll, and what's worse, you're starting to lose me. All of this started with the clusterfuck that is Immortal. This stable consists of Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff, Ric Flair,…

In The Papers: Economist Swapping

Hendrik P. van Dalen and Arjo Klamer have an article entitled Trading Economics across the Atlantic:  Jan Tinbergen and Milton Friedman.  Readers here may know of my love of Tinbergen's Law, even though I am not that fond of Tinbergen's work as a whole. Abstract: Jan Tinbergen and Milton Friedman were both very much inspired…