This page serves as a compendium for all blog posts dedicated to the my talk entitled Low-Code Machine Learning with Azure ML.

Low-Code Azure ML: Wrapping Up

This is part seven in a series on low-code machine learning with Azure ML. What Did We Learn? Over the course of this series, we learned how to use Azure Machine Learning to train models and score data without writing a line of code. We first learned how to create a workspace in Azure Machine…

Low-Code ML: Batch Scoring

This is part six in a series on low-code machine learning with Azure ML. Last Time on 36 Chambers In the prior episode of this series, we built a real-time endpoint, showed how to call it, and saw how to make some minor changes to a real-time inference pipeline. Today, we’re going to show off…

Low-Code ML: Deployment and Endpoints

This is part five in a series on low-code machine learning with Azure ML. Where We Are In the prior post, we trained a model using the Azure ML designer. In this post, we’re going to make it available for the whole world to use, as what the world needs is a way of classifying…

Low-Code ML: Training in the Designer

This is part four in a series on low-code machine learning with Azure ML. The Machine Learning Process Machine learning is a lot like an action film from the 1980s: we see early on that there’s a problem, we train in a cool montage with upbeat rock music, and then we come back to the…

Low-Code ML: Using AutoML

This is part three in a series on low-code machine learning with Azure ML. The Place of AutoML Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) provides two distinct benefits. The first benefit is the one that AutoML providers tend to tout: you don’t need (much) machine learning experience to use them. According to the marketing, AutoML does all…

Low-Code ML: Data and Compute

This is part two in a series on low-code machine learning with Azure ML. Welcome to Machine Learning Studio Azure Machine Learning Services is the full-on product for machine learning in Azure. In addition to this, there is Azure ML Studio, a graphical interface for using Azure ML. You’ll definitely spend a lot of time…

Low-Code ML: Creating a Workspace

This is part one in a series on low-code machine learning with Azure ML. Machine Learning with Less Code Getting started with machine learning is a real challenge, and there are two reasons for it: one mathematical and one programmatical. First, you need a good understanding of statistical and mathematical concepts to get very far…