Campaign Finance “Reform” Hamstrings Challengers

That's pretty obvious, but this is not:  currently, the Obama campaign is heavily out-spending the Romney campaign on advertisement.  It seems that the reason is campaign finance laws:  Romney spent most of his "allowed" funds during the primary, and will not be able to spend much more until late August.  In the meantime, Obama didn't…

Welfare Days Are Here Again

I love Robert Rector and Katherine Bradley's topic so much I want to steal it for myself:  Obama ends welfare reform as we know it.  Mickey Kaus, 1990s New Democrat extraordinaire, has a lengthy discussion on the topic.  Mitt Romney hasn't really said much about this yet, but there are negative murmurs.

Statistics Today

A few William Briggs links. People who believe in heaven commit more crimes.  Except when they don't. This is an old link, but pretty good. Briggs also has a great series describing introductory statistics for business professionals.  Be sure to check out the class materials.

The Annals Of Government Medicine

This is an ongoing series at Power Line that I really like.  Not too long ago, they had a few posts on the topic.  First, another reminder that the NHS has death panels (or at least financial mechanisms to ensure that they kill off the elderly).  When the people receiving services are not the people paying…

Security Curmudgeonliness

My favorite part of Pauldotcom Security Weekly is Mr. Jack Daniel, man of the epic beard.  Here's a link to a recent rant of his.  Be sure to read the Gartner post in the comments to get a slightly different perspective. Very quickly, I have not used a Web Application Firewall before.  I would imagine, however,…

Carbon Taxes

I hate taxes in general, so of course I'm going to hate this... Over at Heritage, they say that the right amount is $0.  Iain Murray wondered if AEI was going to support a carbon tax.  Ramesh Ponnuru sets the story straight.

Sunday Notes, Ironman Edition

That's Ironman from Political Calculations.  A couple of quick links to posts a month or so old... The RIAA and MPAA don't really have facts to back up their assertions that they're going out of business due to piracy.  Not that this stops them. Governments produce bad data.  Sometimes this is unintentional, but never trust…