Gotham: The TV show Batman deserves?

It's official -- I added a Batman category. I've been watching and enjoying the hell out of Gotham. For those who haven't seen it, it's Batman without Batman. It follows Jim Gordon as a new cop in Gotham City right around the time of the Martha and Thomas Wayne murders. Said murders, in fact, occur…

Batman and the villain who hates him

It may seem to you, dear reader, that I am undergoing some sort of metaphysical experiment, devoting this entire blog to troll Kevin and provoke a response from him. That's a filthy lie. However, I did happen to find a couple of articles about the Man of Bats (not to be confused with Bat Manuel) and…

Clone Wars

I just started watching the Clone Wars series recently, once Netflix instant picked it up.  I'm still in the middle of season one, but so far, it's fantastic.  Because George Lucas had nothing to do with it, the writing is great, and it "feels" Star Wars-y, even if it's set in a time when Y-wings…

Continuity: Friend or enemy?

io9 has a great article about continuity and/or the lack thereof in the major contenders to the Marvel Universe. I begin this with the following preface: I did not and do not read comics. As a kid, I was fascinated by the Transformers comics (why? Because fucking robot dinosaurs, THAT'S WHY), but I never internalized…

Top thirty crime procedurals, #1: Dexter

IMDB link. Basic premise: Is it okay to be a sociopath? Why it's the greatest crime procedural (and second best TV show, behind Doctor Who) of all time: Most shows that focus on the supply side of crime rely on anti-heroes. Breaking Bad or the Sopranos are good examples. Yet, Dexter Morgan is not an anti-hero. He is, in a…

Top thirty crime procedurals, #2: Psych

IMDB link. Basic premise: How to con the police into being a cop without all of that training (or carrying a gun). Why it's here: I hate some of the new portmanteaus the English language has invented. I especially hate anything with the word "bro". But there is no better term to describe the relationship between Shawn…