This Time Central Planning Is Sure To Work!

Garett Jones has a post regarding claims that the government will cut health care costs.  The comments are great and the explicit tie-in to the old-timey socialist trope that competition is "wasteful" is vital to this discussion.  Competition is not wasteful; on the contrary, it is the best mechanism we have for eliminating waste.

Romer Out

Paul Romer is no longer involved with the charter city process in Honduras.  Steve Sailer's take is fair, but a bit snide.  Government (and the oligarchs who prop it up) are the problem, and so there's little incentive for them to introduce competition and institutions which may end up ruining their control of national power.…

Trevor Bauer

This is a bit old by this point, but it's a fascinating discussion with Trevor Bauer, already one of the smarter pitchers in the game. Question:  how much better would Greg Maddux have been if he had the same technology Bauer has (e.g., 480 fps video)?  Maddux has been my go-to example for "pitching nerd,"…

Is Stack Overflow Secure?

Troy Hunt has a great post on whether or not Stack Overflow is secure.  The answer is, "it depends."  Security isn't just about buying equipment and configuring systems; it's about figuring out what you need to protect and which scenarios you need to cover.  SO doesn't encrypt data on the site and you could steal…

Thriving On Failure

Over at Power Line Blog, John Hinderaker and Steven Hayward are trying to figure out why President Obama isn't getting blown out despite being a miserable failure.  Hinderaker believes that the number of people on the dole has given rise to a core Democratic constituency who will be even more vocal when times are bad…